So this year, I have decided to start a project 52! Basically I am committing to post a photo once a week. I think most people usually give their project a theme, so I am going to just call mine "this and that"... mostly because I don't commit well.. LOL! The point of the project is to get me out there and thinking photographically, practicing taking shots and failing, and learning from that failure. So here it is, the first week! I had a rough time getting my creative juices flowing after so long of only doing portraits and I started to panic! I know I look at things all the time and think, wow that would be a great photo! But most of the time its when I am out and about camera-less! (note to self, keep camera with me more!) So I thought okay, step one.. pull camera out of the bag! Easy enough right?! But then step two... find something to photograph! I walked around the house looking for the right thing and finally saw Caleb'smarkers sitting out. He is so creative, always coloring or drawing these elaborate pictures, so I figured what better way to get my creativity going than to take a picture of his markers he always creates things with! So week one.. here ya go!

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