That day has changed the history books here in Alabama as tornados tore through most of the state. The devastation is enormous!! Everyone in the state has been affected in some way. We are all working around the clock to put our state back together. So far 250 people are dead, and there are 2219 injured. Here are some photos from that day and the days after..
This is a photo of the Cullman county tornado I took from HWY 431 in Marshall County

This is the storm as it passed just north of Marshall County.. the tornado is rain wrapped at this point, however you can still see it over the mountain just to the right of the tree.
These are of some of the damage here locally.
This used to be a neighborhood.
This is also used to be a neighborhood.

If there was a silver lining to this storm, it is the kindness of the hearts of otheres!! Communities are helping communities, people from other states are coming together to help, it is simply amazing to see everyone pitching in to help!
How you can help:
Here are a few links that I KNOW are helping.
My church (MVC), Renovation Ministries, and Word Alive International Outreach have teamed up to be able to serve all those affected by this storm. Together we delivered 3 simi-trucks to the areas hit, the evening of the storms, and are making daily deliveries now, as well as coordinating volunteer teams that are working on clean up everyday. Here are the links to the all of these:
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