Today I had the opportunity to be apart of an awesome event. A local soldier was killed in combat and his funeral was today. So in support of Capt. Kyle Comfort and his family, an event was put together called "Line the streets with love". Anyone and everyone who wanted to come support his family was invited to line the streets from the church where the funeral was held to the burial grounds. And hundreds showed up! The Patriot Guard (who are an amazing group of people for what they do!) split with half in front and half in back of the procession and escorted them. While I am on the subject let me invoke my freedom of speech to say that it is HORRIBLE to think that anyone would take a funeral as an opportunity to spread a message of HATE!!! And that the God I serve is NOT a God of hate, but a God of LOVE! The people who are doing this despicable things are the opposite of what my God is about!!
*O.K. Allison.. breath* LOL
Anyway.. back to the story! So hundreds of people lined the streets, it was like a parade in honor of this fallen hero! Awesome... just awesome! I hope that more cities begin to do this! As the motorcade came upon the hill, the crowed was so still and quiet! Everything stopped... the emotion was so heavy in the air. The people driving in the precession were so filled with gratitude for what they were seeing. One man had tears streaming down his face, as he gave the crowd a thumbs up and mouthed "Thank you". Another person, a patriot guard rider blew out a kiss of appreciation to everyone there supporting our hero. Absolutely amazing... it was expected to be a tense event, as protesters were expected, but turned into a celebration of our freedom and this soldiers life. I am proud to be able to say that my family and I were a part of that. Proud that my son saw that.